Teacher training

Teacher training 2017
Our first ‘Wildlife Academy for Environmental Educators’ in Uzbekistan took place in 2017. The event brought together incredible teachers from across the saiga’s range, as well as inspirational educators from San Diego Zoo Global.
28 People took part in the event, during which we spent 5 days in workshops and then travelled to the Aral sea. We organized 12 master classes targeting wildlife and saiga- related educational goals and tools (e.g. values of nature conservation, connection between people and wildlife, utilizing research technology in the classroom, global ambassadors for saigas to name a few).
Teachers ended up selecting a platform for communication and indicated what of the workshop ideas and activities they were going to implement in their work with Steppe Wildlife Clubs.
We’ve already seen the first results during the Day of Migratory Species held in November, where teachers successfully included new activities which they learnt at the event and inspired new children to join our network of Steppe Wildlife Clubs.
To support teachers to deliver an education program on saiga conservation for local schools in the saiga range.