Saiga: Spirit of the Steppe Teaching Guide
This teaching guide and education booklet was created by San Diego Zoo Global for use by schools and wildlife clubs to teach students about the saiga antelope.
This teaching guide and corresponding booklet was created for use by the Steppe Wildlife Clubs in Uzbekistan.
Knowing that there are a wide range of ages that participate in the clubs, the materials have been designed to facilitate the older students helping to instruct those that are younger.
The older students will be referred to as 'mentors' and the teachers will be referred to as 'instructors'.
The booklet and activities, with the help of the instructors and mentors, will be used to encourage learning and thoughtful discussion about saiga and what can be done to help their species.
The guide follows the booklet page by page, with suggested topics of discussion as well as ideas as to when to incorporate activities.
Throughout the booklet you may notice words in bold.
Those words will be used on page 17. The students will be asked to use context clues to write their own glossary of definitions. If possible, place emphasis on these words as progress is made in the booklet.