Phylogenetic Analysis of Sequences of the 12S and 16S rRNA Mitochondrial Genes in the Family Bovidae: New Evidence

I.A. Grachev
A.B. Bekenov
E.J. Milner-Gulland
Y.N. Arylov
A. Lushchekina
M.V. Kholodova
A.J. Easton
L. Amgalan
O. Ryder
Phylogenetic Analysis of Sequences of the 12S and 16S rRNA Mitochondrial Genes in the Family Bovidae: New Evidence

The phylogeny of the family Bovidae has been inferred from our data on the 12S and 16S rRNA mtDNA gene sequences and from the results of other authors. A considerable (2460 bp) length of the analyzed fragments of these conserved genes and the use of different methods of cladogram construction allowed us to verify the systematic position of the generaSaiga, Pantholops, Procapra, and Oreamnos.

Saigas were shown to be phylogenetically far closer to gazelles than black-tailed gazelles and pygmy antelopes. In general, the genetic analysis data are in agreement with the results of morphological studies.