Development of a monitoring system for migratory saiga herds on the territory of the Lake Elton Biosphere Reserve

Svetlana Aitkulov:
The project is aimed at the development of the material and technical equipment of the State Budgetary Institution "Natural Park" Eltonsky" and the introduction into practice of modern non-invasive observation methods (camera traps and remote sensing), which are successfully used in other protected areas. The relevance and practical significance of the project activities are due to: the importance of the role of the project area (Biosphere Reserve "Lake Elton") in maintaining the migrating herds of the Volga-Ural saiga population, the inclusion of the species in the Red Data Books of the Russian Federation and the Volgograd Region, the formation of a regional system of its monitoring and registration based on the specified institutions. The implementation of the project will significantly expand the understanding of saiga migration routes, the number and structure of migratory herds, key habitats and areas in the project area and in its surroundings.