The Saiga Antelope – Teetering on the Brink but Still Cause for Hope

Following a sharp population decline caused by heavy poaching the saiga antelope Saiga tatarica tatarica was upgraded from Near Threatened to Critically Endangered on the 2002 IUCN Red List (Milner-Gulland et al., 2001, Oryx, 35, 340–345). Since then, range state governments have shown impressive commitment to saiga conservation.
The Kazakhstan government has provided substantial funding for anti-poaching patrols and aerial surveys, has passed legislation strengthening rangers' powers of arrest, and is considering establishing two protected areas for saigas.
In the Republic of Kalmykia (Russian Federation), the Government and the Department of Natural Resources have been active in strengthening saiga conservation, and the President has issued a decree on emergency measures for saiga conservation.