The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

(USFWS) stands as a stalwart guardian of biodiversity, committed to preserving America's natural heritage. Through strategic partnerships and unwavering dedication, USFWS plays a pivotal role in safeguarding endangered species, fostering habitat conservation, and promoting environmental stewardship. Beyond our borders, USFWS extends its impactful conservation efforts globally, contributing funds and expertise to support wildlife preservation. Together, we strive for a harmonious balance between human activities and the delicate ecosystems that define our nation.

This project is funded by USFWS Species Conservation Catalyst Fund

USFWS Species Conservation Catalyst Fund

The USFWS Species Conservation Catalyst Fund is a unique opportunity to build both a systemic understanding of the drivers and leverage points for saiga use and trade, and to build a foundation for long-term collaborative networks to implement, and adaptively manage, conservation actions. This will work best if all the stakeholders collaborate together to ensure that they maximise opportunities for synergy and learning across countries, stages in the supply chain, and stakeholder types.