An Evidence-Based Approach to Catalyze Reduction of Illegal Saiga Horn Trade in China.


In partnership with the Wildlife Conservation Society.

The purpose of this project is to reduce the threat of poaching and trafficking to saiga antelope by understanding the
saiga horn supply chain and consumption environment in a key consumer country (China) and catalysing demand reduction through evidence-based behavioral science approaches

Project objectives

Specific activities of this two-year grant include:

  1. a strategic study on thesaiga horn illegal supply chain and consumption environment in China
  2. systemmapping and creation of a behavioral target statement
  3. development of a user journey map to understand and identify the factors driving the target behavior
  4. development and selection of the best approaches to address the identified behavioral barriers
  5. testing of evidence-based interventions targeting specific behaviors of key actors in the saiga horn supply chain
  6. dissemination of knowledge and insights on saiga horn demand reduction to relevant stakeholders.